The Fastest Lorem Ipsum Generator

Lorem Ipsum Google Chrome Extension

We made this awesome ASDFast Google Chrome extension that adds ASDFast option to Chrome's right-click menu:

When you set it up in your browser, right-click to any area on a webpage where you do not want to type, choose "Insert AsdFast text" from the context menu and extension will fill out the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text for you.

Here is a screenshot in action:

Lorem Ipsum Google Chrome extension

Couple of things to mention:

  • Placeholder text is different every time, extension reaches our API to get fresh Lorem Ipsum text every time it's used.
  • Text should fit your input element. In other words, extension should give you just enough text to fill out entire input area. (if it's not happening, shoot us an email)
Lorem Ipsum Google Chrome extension

Yup, it's one-click Lorem Ipsum placeholder in any input area on any page.

Install it for free from Chrome Web Store and share some feedback with us.